Substance abuse refers to a primary illness or disease which is characterized by addiction to a mood-altering chemical. Substance abuse includes both drug and alcohol addiction. It is a progressive and chronic disease and if left untreated, it can be fatal. Addiction most often has an underlying behavioral health problem and the combination can affect performance at school, and relationships both at work and home increases the risk of confrontations with law enforcement.
NWTHS Behavioral Health offers services to help individuals struggling with substance abuse issues:
- Inpatient Detoxification
- Inpatient Rehabilitation Services
- Co-occurring Disorders Treatment
These programs are designed to first provide stabilization and then treat this complex disease.
Our licensed mental health professionals provide a thorough diagnosis and evaluation including:
- Clinical interview
- Physical examination
- Biopsychosocial assessments
- Therapeutic and addictions evaluation
- Treatment and follow-up
What a Typical Day Looks Like While in Treatment
While at NWTHS Behavioral Health, Physician and nursing care is focused on your safety through 24-hour observation and vital signs monitoring. After you stabilize, your days are filled with services that are designed to help you meet your substance abuse recovery goals. While we maintain a structured treatment setting, your day consists of a balance of a variety of evidenced-based treatment services with time for breaks and self-reflection.
A multi-disciplinary treatment team develops a plan tailored to the needs of each individual and may include:
- Detoxification Services
- Substance abuse rehabilitation and treatment
- Group, family and individual therapy
- Music, recreational and expressive therapy groups
- Nursing groups focused on diagnosis and medication education, health and hygiene
- Stress and anger management
- Planning for discharge and follow-up
Following this inpatient treatment period, individuals may continue in in our specialized substance abuse intensive outpatient treatment program overseen by a psychiatrist/psychiatric nurse practitioner and therapist.
Patient Success Story
Rick Wieners has been using the skills he learned at Northwest Texas Behavioral Health to remain clean and sober for nearly 20 years. Here is his story.
Substance Abuse Disorders (SUD)— affected over 20 million Americans aged 12 and over in the US in 2018:
- Impairment caused by recurrent use of alcohol and drugs (or both, called polysubstance), usually include health and mental problems, failure to meet responsibilities
- Most common disorders were related to marijuana and prescription pain reliever
- 700,000 drug overdose deaths in the US since 2000
- 19.4% of people who had used illicit drugs in 2018
Source: National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics